I hate, hate, hate to take pictures of my belly! I guess if I were a Skinny Minnie it wouldn't bother me but I'm no Skinny Minnie. I am a Chunky Monkey and my self-esteem gets in the way.

This is the first picture of my belly that has been taken this pregnancy and I am hoping to change that. Looking back at my scrapbook when I was pregnant with Orion, I can count the number of pictures that show my belly on one hand. It's such a joyous experience why not document it!
At my last check-up 3 weeks ago I had only gained 16 lbs. This pregnancy I am determined not to make the same mistake I did with Orion. I ate well, all too well! I ate anything and everything I wanted. Not this time! My goal is to gain only 25 lbs. and with less then 10 weeks to go I just might keep my weight under control.
Although I have been cautious about what I have been eating and having smaller more frequent meals, my appetite has kicked into full gear within the last week and I am a little nervous about my weigh in on Friday.
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