Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Halloween 2010
I...Have become comfortably numb
Comfortably? Not at all!
Numb? Yes, in both hands!!!
Swollen fingers? Yup, like polish sausages! Serious!!! I will spare you any pictures but if you go to your local grocer and check out the polish sausages you'll get the picture.
Over the last few weeks the numbness and amount of swelling has progressively gotten worse. I had mentioned it to my midwife a few times before and was told "not to lay on them and keep them elevated." Easy peasy lemon squeezy, I thought, but it didn't help. It was getting to the point that I was having issues with everyday tasks. SO on Friday, I marched myself into the OB Triage to have myself checked out. I just couldn't take it anymore!
I was hoping that my blood pressure wasn't the cause. Which it shouldn't had been since it had been fine the entire pregnancy. And it wasn't! Apparently it is just Carpel Tunnel.
WHAT! I didn't have it this bad with Orion!!! It is horrible and I don't wish it upon anyone.
So here I sit patiently waiting for my appointment with Physical Therapy just to get some braces for my hands.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
34 Week Check-up
My blood pressure was high, which the midwife was concerned about. I explained it was probably from the walk, the stairs (trying to get that extra exercise in there) and the fact that I didn't have a chance to relax before my appointment. I got called in early. Before I left she rechecked it and it was back to normal!
I walked out of her office hoping to schedule my next appointment at 36 weeks to meet with the OB/GYN to set my c-section date. Boy, was I bummed that I couldn't get in until I'm 37 1/2 weeks! Don't think that I'm not trying to get the baby here sooner, I'm not. I would love for the baby to come when she is ready but having gone through that with Orion, feeling and seeing the strain it put on everyone around me. I really don't want to do that again! I just want to have the date scheduled, to be prepared mentally and within our home.
I just keep telling myself "Patience Amy, patience".
Thursday, September 30, 2010
I think every article I've read fails to mention that the Father's nest too!
This last weekend Peter was definitely nesting. He tells me that he is going to straighten up the bedroom but what I didn't realize is that he was going to purge his clothes, pop the screens out of the windows for cleaning, the same with the blinds, vacuum under the bed, wipe down the walls and bleach the windows and windowsills. I felt so bad! I had to hop right in and help with what I could. From there he also cleaned and bleached the entire bathroom! Thanks baby if you didn't bleach the bathroom it would have waited until my mom got here! (I have a reaction to bleach which causes asthma attacks, so I try not to touch the stuff).
I guess I have been nesting just a little. I crocheted a blanket for Esme and I'm working on a rag blanket for her too. I have a few other little projects that are in the works for decorating her side of the room which I can't wait to finish getting set up so I can start decorating.
Okay now where's this surge of energy that the mother gets? I barely have enough energy to get the normal day to day cleaning done!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
6 Years Ago Today...

Friday, September 17, 2010
30 Week Check-Up
I can't believe how fast time has flown! We have so much to do before baby gets here.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I Drive - Conversation #3
Orion: Mommy, I drive your car? Go see daddy.
Mommy: Honey, you can't drive mommy's car.
Orion: Ohhhh, peeeeeaseeeee!
Mommy: Orion, your not old enough.
Orion: (Laughing) I drive!
Mommy: Not yet.
Orion starts playing with his toys but returns a few minutes later
Orion: Mommy, I drive your car peeeeaseeeee!
Oh my goodness! Now I gonna be worried that he is gonna try to take my car!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Sweetest Conversation #2
Orion: Daddy want one?
Mommy: I don't think so honey. He won't like the coconut and chocolate in his.
Orion: (Biting into his muffin) Oh
Mommy: Is it good?
Orion: (Mouth full of muffin, shaking head yes) Is good cupcake!
Mommy: (Laughing)
Orion: Mommy, thanks for cooking for us. You good cook.
That last sentence just melts my heart!
Baby Steps in Potty Training
Monday, September 13, 2010
28 Week Baby Belly
I hate, hate, hate to take pictures of my belly! I guess if I were a Skinny Minnie it wouldn't bother me but I'm no Skinny Minnie. I am a Chunky Monkey and my self-esteem gets in the way.

This is the first picture of my belly that has been taken this pregnancy and I am hoping to change that. Looking back at my scrapbook when I was pregnant with Orion, I can count the number of pictures that show my belly on one hand. It's such a joyous experience why not document it!
At my last check-up 3 weeks ago I had only gained 16 lbs. This pregnancy I am determined not to make the same mistake I did with Orion. I ate well, all too well! I ate anything and everything I wanted. Not this time! My goal is to gain only 25 lbs. and with less then 10 weeks to go I just might keep my weight under control.
Although I have been cautious about what I have been eating and having smaller more frequent meals, my appetite has kicked into full gear within the last week and I am a little nervous about my weigh in on Friday.
Friday, September 10, 2010
A "mourning" of purging
This morning was a bit of an emotional one. I purged Orion's baby clothes to see what I could keep for Esme. It's hard to believe that my little guy was ever that small! So many cute outfits that I didn't want to part with BUT honestly it felt sooooo good to do it. By the time I was done I ended up with 4 boxes of clothes, his crib set and 2 boxes of toys that Peter and Orion purged the other day.
I figured why not cash in on all this stuff and you know what? I made out like a bandit! One store gave me $50 store credit! It would have been less if I had opted for cash, but I figured I could use it to get some clothes for Esme. At the other store I opted for cash because either way, cash or store credit it was the same amount. They gave me $70!!!
What I have left over? 2 boxes of summer clothes that I will take back in the Spring and 2 toys!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I want this bumper sticker

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I sawwee #1
Orion: It's okay
Me: No, it's not ok
Orion: I sawwee
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Note to self:

To be completely honest, I can't even watch when they pick the finalists for America's Got Talent.
Let the waterworks start!!!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Some very random thoughts
- Debating on using cloth diapers with Esme.
- Craving bacon like crazy, BLT's in particular.
- I can't wear my wedding rings any more :(
- I need a hair cut badly!
- Not crazy about this rainy summer.
- Can't wait to see how Orion is going to act with Esme.
- I didn't know that when growing Tomatoes in a greenhouse that you are supposed to shake them in order to pollinate them.
- So proud of Peter. He works so hard and I hope that his potential doesn't go unnoticed.
- Can't wait to pick my zucchini's and bell peppers!
- Loving the blanket that I'm crocheting for Esme.
- Loving my days with Orion more and more.
- Have not bought a single baby outfit yet.
- Excited to start watching the 2010 season of the World Series of Poker starting on Tuesday.
- Found material to make Esme's bedding set and can't wait to get started on it.
- Suddenly can't stand the smell of ripened bananas. The sweetness turns my stomach.
- Just finished ready Wicked and I need to find a new book.
- 22 weeks and I've gained only 10 lbs.
- In about another month I won't be able to fit into my laundry room to reach the dryer.
I am convinced it's chicken pox
After seeing 4 pediatricians and 1 nurse neither of them were convinced since they hadn't progressed into blisters or even scabs and it had been 2 days. But here we are 4 days since the spots appeared and I am convinced that it is chicken pox. He has had a few develop on his arms and legs, but for the most part they are clearing up. There have been about 5 tiny little blisters and I have seen 1 scab over. The good thing is they don't seem to bother him. He is not itchy or running a fever, you can't even tell that he has them!
He has been such a good sport about everyone wanting to look at his "bumps". I am glad that it is such a mild case...it could have been much worse!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
We survived the drive!
Orion feel asleep while eating potato chips. I laughed so hard! He had such a grip on the bag and wouldn't let go!!! He did so well. Only having 1 meltdown throughout the entire trip!
It took us 8 1/2 hours to get there due to the road construction but only 6 1/2 hours to get back. It was nice to get out of town for the weekend but I think I'm gonna wait a while to make another Fairbanks trip!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
We're having a...
She was being so stubborn but modest, it took for-ev-ver to get a good view. I thought we were gonna leave without knowing, even the tech mentioned that he wasn't sure, but he was so patient. He said that she is sitting right under my belly button and that there is some scar tissue from Orion's c-section that was obstructing his views. He let me get up to use the restroom thinking that she would change positions and it worked!
I am 99% sure that we are going to name her Esme Helene. It's completely my choice says Peter. Yes, Esme is a Twilight character but it is also a form of Amy and we try to incorporate family in the naming of our children in a not-so-straight-forward kinda way.
So if everything goes as planned, she will be joining us just before Thanksgiving and our little family will be complete!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Any guesses???
My gut tells me its a boy but my heart wants to be optimistic about it being a girl. Here's whats been going on in this pregnancy...
- Sick from the get-go. Feeling much better now but still having a few sick days. (With Orion, sick for 6 months)
- I haven't felt too much movement (Orion was a mover and shaker)
- Instant cravings! I can't even watch the Food Network without craving something. (With Orion, just french fries, all the time)
- No desire to eat beef, chicken or pork except bacon. I can eat a BLT every single day!(Really didn't have this problem with Orion.)
- Can't shake the tiredness. (With Orion, just the 1st trimester and the last part of the 3rd)
- With Orion I craved Pepsi but this pregnancy I find it way too sweet along with most fruits and candies.
Peter's family even has a little pool going. I think the guesses are: boy-5 & girl -3
So what do you think?
Monday, July 5, 2010
♫ Let's go fly a kite ♫
Monday, June 28, 2010
A day at the zoo
It was nice to see a few old friends and meet a few of Peter's new coworkers. They always have all sorts of prizes and gift cards to give away. Peter won a $50 gift card to Sportsman's Warehouse. Wahoo!

The Alpaca really took to Orion and kept trying to nuzzle him. Orion would jump back laughing every time. Orion was so funny, he would growl at the bears and say "I scare you!". They brought an Owl in to show the kids and he was just in awe.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
A little water fun
The water was a little cool so the kids weren't so sure about getting in the pool. Mostly they just would splash or scoop the water out with a bucket. Later in the afternoon we were able to get them to stand in it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Ayla & Chebo's Wedding

The cake was made by Ayla's childhood friend, Holly.
The Carruthers' Family

More random pics of the Carruthers' Family and Brianna too!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Pima County Fair
Every animal we saw Orion referred to them as a "doggie". He was so taken by the piglets. He just stood there and stared at them.
Grandpa took Orion on the little Ferriswheel. He wasn't so sure about it at first but that changed when he made his first go round.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Speech Therapy & Dentist Appointment's
Orion also had a dentist appointment that he slept all the way through! His very first appointment and he slept through it!!! It went very well. The dentist said that Orion should be getting his second set of molars in soon (bring on the crabbiness!) and that he is doing a good job at brushing his teeth. He doesn't have to go back in until he is 3. YEAH!!!
Next up hearing test and ENT appoint in 2 weeks.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Mixed Emotions
When kids go in for their check-ups at the Alaska Native Medical Center you don't just meet with the Doctor, you meet with the Nutritionist and a Developmental person (I can't remember the exact title). The developmental person basically wants to make sure that he is right where he needs to be in skills. You actually have to fill out a questionnaire about your child. Does he jump with both feet off the ground? Does he hold a cup with both hands? Does he want to turn the light switch on and off? If asked to put the toys away will he? When looking at books, does he turn the pages? ALOT of questions like this...about 5 pages about everyday life stuff. There is one question that sticks out in my mind the most. When your child speaks, do you understand what is being said most of the time? My answer "Yes, I feel he speaks very well for his age". I GUESS I WAS WRONG!!!
We saw the Developmental person first. She asked me a few questions then turned her attention to Orion. She asked him one question about his trains that he had taken with him and he went off talking about trains (he is passionate about Thomas & Friends). Then she turned to me and says that she couldn't understand him. What do you mean you can't understand him??? I was speechless and didn't know what to say. Then she said that she is putting a referral in for a speech evaluation. I was floored!
I have mixed emotions about today's appointment for a several reasons:
- He is only 2 years old!
- Granted, I spend all my days with him, I understand him very well.
- I get compliments OFTEN on how well he speaks. On how advanced he is.
- BUT, did I mention that he is ONLY 2 YEARS OLD!!!
IF, this is such a concern I would like to start working on it now instead of when he gets into school and real issues arise but I just can't get over the fact that she didn't try talking to him more or ask him different questions. She made her decision so quick!
Maybe I am just making a big deal out of nothing.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Thoughts of 2009
Thoughts of Orion and how much he has grown. How he is such a little gentleman, forming sentences and wanting to go potty like the "big boys". He is so independent and proud of it. Oh my, his 2nd birthday is hastily approaching and I gotta get to planning!
Thoughts of places traveled: Kodiak, Fairbanks, Seward, Arizona & Las Vegas. Where will the roads lead us this year?
And thoughts of friends, old and new. It's amazing how fast people walk in and out of your lives. Looking back that's when you then realize how much they have influenced or touched your life. When did I realize that my best friend was no longer my best friend?
I am looking forward to 2010 and what it may bring for me and my family. What new thing will Orion do or say? Where will we travel this year? Who will venture into our lives? Answers I wish I knew but I guess that takes all the guess work and excitement out of it.
With those thoughts so fresh in my mind I can now let the stress of 2009 go, have a good cry and say 2010 will be an AWESOME year for me and my family.
With that being said...from our family to yours...