Here's what happens when you leave the Grandparents alone with the Grand kids:
Paige is crying cause Tricia and Jason had just left and Orion is crying cause Paige is crying. It was actually quite comical!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Making a Dent!
I am finally making a dent into my scrapbooking albums. I purchased this kit on QVC by Lisa Bearnson a few years ago. I started on the 1st album as soon as I got it, then it got shoved in the corner. I stumbled across it the other day and decided to finish it. It only took me a few days! Now I have started on the 2nd album two days ago and I am halfway down with it. GO ME! Now if only I could get started on our Wedding Album, Orion's Baby Album, Debbie's Drag Book and Dad's Brag Book!!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Yummy, Yummy Peaches
We were getting Orion ready for his first feeding of peaches and snapped our first family picture. We will actually be getting our pictures taken here in a couple of weeks.
I was not surprised that it was going in just a few minutes. He stares at us when we are eating and will even drink from my cup!
I admit it...I helped teach him that!
Orion is such a goof ball! He has started sticking his tongue out. Uncle Troy started it, every morning he would stick his tongue out at Orion and Orion would attempt to stick his right back. I thought it was so cute that I would stick my tongue out at him all the time. Now he will do it with just a little provoking. Shhh...I think I provoke him more then anyone else but, it is soooo cute!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Orion in a Nut Shell
Orion at just 4 months old you are such a big boy. I can not believe how fast you are growing!

- You are so interested in food. You watch us eat, giving us dirty looks even after we are done. Sorry dude but you have to wait 2 more months!
- You know what a telephone is for and get mad if you don't get to hold it, talk or even listen to who is on the other end.
- You prefer to sleep on your side instead of your back.
- You are rolling over, even in your sleep! The minute I lay you down awake or not you roll over to your tummy.
- You are a ladies man. You flirt by cooing and raising your eyebrows. You have just about every woman you encounter wrapped around your little finger. (Boy am I gonna have my hands full!)
- You scoot on your back.
- After a little coxing you will stick your tongue out.
- You have started to scoot on your tummy. Between rolling and scooting you have started to venture off your blanket.
- You have to see everything! Always forward facing, you throw a fit if you can't see.
- We found your ticklish spots! Your feet, under arms and sides. You have the cutest giggle!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
4 Month Check Up
Today Orion had his 4 month check up. I cannot believe how fast he is growing. He now weighs 17 lbs. 15 oz. and is 27 inches long! He has started rolling over from his back to stomach without any problems, but his stomach to back he tries and tries and tries. He's done it a couple of times but he struggles with it.
Monday, July 7, 2008
4th of July Weekend
We went camping with Peter's family in Seward this last weekend. I just love that place! To me the fireworks are so disappointing. It's just too light here in the summer time for them. I know it's hard to see them but this picture was taken from the campsite just after midnight on the 4th. They took place in town across the bay from where we were staying.
I forgot a hat for Orion so here was our solution for being in the sun, his sweatshirt pulled up over his head. He was known as "Son of Pharaoh" for the afternoon.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
BBQ with Chris & Rachel
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